Sentence example with the word 'counterfeiting'


coinage, copying, fakery, forgery, imitation, imposture, mimesis, mirroring, parody, plagiary, simulation, striking

Last update: August 5, 2015


Along with these crimes against religion went treason to the emperor, offences against the laws, especially counterfeiting, defraudation in taxes, seizure of confiscated property, evil conduct of imperial officers, &c. There is no formal definition of sacrilege in the code of Justinian but the conception remains as wide.   [Please select]


Counterfeiting was still punishable with death at that epoch.   [Please select]


[55] At the August assizes there had been an effort to show that the children were "counterfeiting."   [Please select]


To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; 7.   [Please select]


"Come near," said the sultan, still counterfeiting the pronunciation of the black.   [Please select]


To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; 7.   [Please select]


"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice, "who has brought you a custard and a pot of butter sent you by mamma."   [Please select]

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counterfeiters - counterfeiting - counterfeits