Sentence example with the word 'counsellings'


Last update: July 7, 2015


What the movement owed to Ruskin is now frankly conceded, in the lesson the brotherhood took to heart from his counsellings,--to divest art of conventionality, and to work with scrupulous fidelity and sincerity of purpose.   [Please select]


In all his philanthropies he was true to his own preachings and counsellings, spending and being spent in the spirit of his Divine Master, his whole soul aglow with reverence and adoration and tender with a profound moral emotion.   [Please select]


Even in his social and moral exhortations, tinctured as they are with medievalism, and however much we may here again disagree with him, he had much that was uplifting and inspiring to say to his time,--a time that had great need of his apostolic counsellings and his fervent inculcations of morality, industry, religion, and humanity.   [Please select]

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counselling - counsellings - counsellor