Sentence example with the word 'corvettes'


Last update: July 9, 2015


In February "Soo, the " Genereux " (74), one of the few ships which escaped from the Nile, sailed from Toulon with three corvettes, under Rear-admiral Puree, to relieve Malta.   [Please select]


The French fleet consisted of 13 vessels of the line, 9 frigates, and 11 corvettes and despatch-boats.   [Please select]


The French had 4 line-of-battle ships, a frigate, and 2 corvettes, and the Russians about the same number.   [Please select]


The navy at the outbreak of hostilities consisted of about seventy ships of the line, and as many frigates and large corvettes, with a hundred smaller vessels.   [Please select]


The French called vessels of this size corvettes, from the Italian word corvettore, to leap or bound, from which we have derived the word curvet.   [Please select]

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corvette - corvettes - corvine