Sentence example with the word 'corroborating'


Last update: September 29, 2015


It does not follow that faith in the Bible record is shaken, although in some quarters there has been a pronounced tendency to regard the history of the Egyptian sojourn as mythical; yet it cannot be denied that Egyptian records, corroborating at least some phases of the Bible story, would have been a most welcome addition to our knowledge.   [Please select]


Brittles, with a mug of ale in his hand, was corroborating everything, before his superior said it.   [Please select]


All apprehension of treachery left her as she beheld the evidence corroborating the story of distress that had brought her into the house.   [Please select]


The last he found to be constant, thus corroborating his theory that the plane of the orbit passed through the sun.   [Please select]


There was no way of corroborating this.   [Please select]


In this continuing and corroborating, taken in no transcendental sense, but denoting definitely felt transitions, _lies all that the knowing of a percept by an idea can possibly contain or signify_.   [Please select]


Accompanying this memorial were several affidavits of prominent citizens of Sandy Hill and Fort Edward, corroborating fully the statements it contained, and also a request of several well known gentlemen to the Governor, that Henry B.   [Please select]


{156} James's version of the occurrences must be as much as possible condensed, and there is no room for the corroborating evidence of Lennox and others.   [Please select]

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corroborates - corroborating - corroboration