Sentence example with the word 'corroborates'


Last update: August 15, 2015


Pp. 3 6 9, 37 o) corroborates Hardyng to some extent; for we are told that John of Gaunt had once desired in parliament that his son should 'be recognized on this flimsy plea as heir to the crown; and when Roger Mortimer, earl of March, denied the story and insisted on his own claim as descended from Lionel, duke of Clarence, Richard imposed silence on both parties.   [Please select]


George Mivart also corroborates the statement, so far as the Malay cat is concerned.   [Please select]


A recently discovered inscription corroborates the statement of the historian.   [Please select]


A person who knew the family many years ago corroborates the father's remarkable story of antecedents.   [Please select]


"Which corroborates my theory," he said, softly; "for _I_ had seen it elsewhere."   [Please select]


Nowhere is there jar, but every later moment continues and corroborates an earlier one.   [Please select]


The high percentage and frequency of wheat corroborates the observation that most of the feeding was being done in wheat fields.   [Please select]

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corroborated - corroborates - corroborating