Sentence example with the word 'coronary'


abdominal, apoplexy, cardiac insufficiency, congenital heart disease, discoid, frosted heart, hypertensive heart disease, myocarditis, pulmonary insufficiency, sclerosis, varix

Last update: August 30, 2015


A patient of coronary heart disease was admitted in coronary care unit.   [Please select]


A child with coronary problems - hours negotiable - benefits.   [Please select]


Care must be taken to keep it from contact with the skin about the coronary band or heels.   [Please select]


The characteristic lesion of foot-and-mouth disease is the appearance of vesicles containing serous fluid in the mouth and upon the udder, teats, heels, and coronary bands of the affected animals.   [Please select]

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coronal - coronary - coronas