Sentence example with the word 'cornucopias'


Last update: June 10, 2015


Her face, reflected between a blue and gold shepherd and shepherdess holding cornucopias of dried honesty, was still ashen, but she possessed all her faculties.   [Please select]


The cotillion was on then, and the favors for the midnight figure were gilt cornucopias filled with loose flowers.   [Please select]


Rothchild kept getting in the way as he calmly and uncompromisingly continued to hang cornucopias on the tree.   [Please select]


Rank jewel flower poured gold from dainty cornucopias and lavender beard-tongue offered honey to a million bumbling bees; water smart-weed spread a glowing pink background, and twining amber dodder topped the marsh in lacy mist with its delicate white bloom.   [Please select]


In the arcades several "Evangelistas," scribes, were surrounded by the unlettered and unwashed--and I found some tattered children, so easily made happy, looking at stands stocked with pink, syrupy drinks and cornucopias filled with ices.   [Please select]


In the double columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris), the successive whorls of stamens are converted into cornucopias, which are enclosed within one another and resemble the true petals.   [Please select]


As Olivia sat and talked her eye traveled absently from barbaric Rouen cornucopias and cockatoos to the incrusted snails and serpents of Bernard Palissy, resting long on a flowered jardinière by Veuve Perrin, of Marseilles.   [Please select]


In the double columbine (_Aquilegia vulgaris_), the successive whorls of stamens are converted into cornucopias, which are enclosed within each other and resemble the petals.   [Please select]

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cornucopia - cornucopias - cornus