bench mark, core, essence, footstone, gravamen, high point, keystone, material point, pith, salient point, the bottom line
Last update: September 28, 2015
A huge building was built on the cornerstones of stone pillars. [Please select]
These will be waters to navigate carefully, in order to make sure that the right to privacy, a cornerstone of a free society, is not destroyed. [Please select]
Young man, truth is the cornerstone o' the temple o' character. [Please select]
The brotherhood of nations is the cornerstone of modern civilization. [Please select]
Yet a navy had to be maintained: it was the cornerstone of the Empire. [Please select]
When the fall of 1879 came, the muskrats were very tardy about beginning their house, laying the cornerstone--or the corner-sod--about December 1, and continuing the work slowly and indifferently. [Please select]
The victim is _not always to blame_; but in this practical world the cornerstone of legal jurisprudence is the inexorable principle that "ignorance of the law excuses no man." [Please select]
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