The substance converts to an acid. [Please select]
Convert lead into gold. [Please select]
She converts to the Jewish Faith. [Please select]
They convert energy from food into chemical energy called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. [Please select]
Her lawful name was "Knuckleup," but early misfortunes had reduced her to such mildness that her name became converted--as she expressed it--in harmony with her nature. [Please select]
My food has not nourished me--my sleep has not refreshed me--my devotions have not comforted me--all that is cheering and necessary to man has been to me converted into poison. [Please select]
Sir Arthur, naturally impatient, now taxed Dousterswivel anew with breach of those promises through which he had hoped to convert all his lead into gold. [Please select]
Some were for sending a deputation of their number to London to convert Charles II. [Please select]
Simeon promised to do as Ivan wished, whereupon Ivan proceeded to convert the straw into soldiers. [Please select]
The officers sent by the Regent to inform Didymus that his garden would be converted into a public square had just arrived. [Please select]
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