Sentence example with the word 'consols'


Last update: September 10, 2015


Measures were enforced to prevent Italian holders of consols from sending their coupons abroad to be paid in gold, with the result that, whereas in 1893 3,24o,ooo had been paid abroad in gold for the service of the January coupons and only 680,000 in paper in Italy, the same coupon was paid a year later with only 1,360,000 abroad and 2,540,000 at home.   [Please select]


But then someone roared out: "'At seven-eighths, sell Rubber Consols."'   [Please select]


The words of that Jew--'Sell Rubber Consols at three-quarters.'   [Please select]


The moment they realize the situation, they will begin offering a premium for Rubber Consols.   [Please select]


"Rubber Consols can go up to any figure we choose to name."   [Please select]


"It's a pleasure, for example, to buy Rubber Consols at par."   [Please select]


It was Mexico, wasn't it, that these Rubber Consols purported to be connected with.   [Please select]


And so you came over for the Rubber Consols people, eh.   [Please select]


It is true, then, that the consols for the loan of five millions of crowns are issued to-day, or have been, since the morning is passed.   [Please select]


"If, however, you wish the advice of a soldier, I should begin by asking if my lord the Englishman has those consols about his person."   [Please select]

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consolingly - consols - consomme