Sentence example with the word 'conoid'


Last update: October 30, 2015


In his extant Conoids and Spheroids he defines a conoid to be the solid formed by the revolution of the parabola and hyperbola about its axis, and a spheroid to be formed similarly from the ellipse; these solids he discussed with great acumen, and effected their cubature by his famous "method of exhaustions."   [Please select]


It is an obtuse conoid, closed with a star-shaped disk.   [Please select]


Archimedes developed the proportions necessary for effecting this comparison, in his treatises on the sphere and cylinder, the spheroid and conoid, and in his work on the measure of the circle.   [Please select]


The stolen object is a globe; the object presented in exchange is an elliptical conoid studded with angular projections along the edge of the base.   [Please select]

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connubial - conoid - conoids