Sentence example with the word 'connoting'


Last update: July 16, 2015


Taylor's theology was distinctively infra-lapsarian; it disagreed with Samuel Hopkins and Emmons in rejecting the theory of "divine efficiency" and in arguing that man can choose the right "even if he won't" - distinguishing like Edwards between natural ability and moral inability; it distinguished sensibility or susceptibility as something different from will or understanding, without moral qualities, to which the appeal for right choice may be made; and it made selflove (a term borrowed from Dugald Stewart, connoting the innocent love of happiness and distinct from selfishness) the particular feeling appealed to by the influences of the law and gospel.   [Please select]


The phrase, connoting so much more than mere "keeping house," was worthy of a writer.   [Please select]


Either will do; and language would lose most of its esthetic and rhetorical value were we forbidden to project words primarily connoting our affections upon the objects by which the affections are aroused.   [Please select]


It was silly, sentimental, schoolboyish--what you please; but every man's first declaration of love is bathos--the zenith of his passion connoting perhaps the nadir of his intelligence.   [Please select]

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connotes - connoting - connubial