The kangaroo and most of its congeners show an extraordinary disproportion of the hind limbs to the fore part of the body. [Please select]
Only the trained eye could have identified them among a score or two of their congeners. [Please select]
Selby in his "Ornithology" says, "In daring disposition, this bird equals most of its congeners." [Please select]
Like their eastern congeners, the western nighthawks are fond of "booming." [Please select]
In regard to food, the Polar bear differs altogether from his congeners. [Please select]
Again, in Washington, the black man and his congeners seemed to be doing remarkably well. [Please select]
You have seen scores of her rusty, grimy congeners in any port in the world. [Please select]
In habit, the Toulouse goose resembles his congeners, but seems to possess a milder and more tractable disposition, which greatly conduces to the chance of his early fattening, and that, too, at a little cost. [Please select]
On any other supposition it must have remained either of its own free will, which is not likely, or from incapacity to accompany its congeners. [Please select]
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