In the eastern and western portions of this city are situated the residences of the highest dignitaries of the empire; while beyond its confines on the south stand the offices of the six of f icial boards which direct the affairs of the eighteen provinces. [Please select]
The vista, as said above, rivets and confines the attention. [Please select]
Rachel sat looking out into the distance beyond the narrow confines of her agony. [Please select]
The ape-man paced the confines of his narrow cell. [Please select]
For, thousands of miles beyond its confines was its influence felt. [Please select]
Septimus Piesse confines the term "perfumery" to such things as Eau de Cologne, &c. [Please select]
Nay, more; she had been born in Bellerivre and had never ventured beyond its confines. [Please select]
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