Sentence example with the word 'conceptual'


bright, contemplating, excogitating, ideological, inventive, noological, pregnant, reasoning, sensible, subjective, wistful

Last update: October 14, 2015


The ADEPT DLE takes advantage of such technologies in support of its basic assumption concerning the conceptual organization of science learning materials.   [adjective]


On the basis of comments received, the landscape architect drew up conceptual sketches which formed the basis of the outline design.   [adjective]


Hence arose conceptual logic; according to which conception is a simple apprehension of an idea without belief in being or not being, e.g.   [Please select]


This is as true when the field is conceptual as when it is perceptual.   [Please select]


It is useless to attempt to press such an experience into a conceptual mould.   [Please select]


Direct acquaintance and conceptual knowledge are thus complementary of each other; each remedies the other's defects.   [Please select]


The author defines it by 16 different statements which contains at least 12 undefined words (to know, to understand, rational, conceptual knowledge, sensation, intuition, to discover, spirit, to addapt, character, to learn, problem, experience.)   [Please select]


Neither sense alone nor the understanding alone produces knowledge, but both cognitive powers are necessary, the active and the passive, the conceptual and the intuitive.   [Please select]

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concepts - conceptual - conceptualism