His friends and admirers were distributed over all the countries of Europe, and presents were continually arriving from small as well as great, from a donation of 200 florins, made by Pope Clement VII., down to sweetmeats and comfits contributed by the nuns of Cologne 666). [Please select]
Phial of cachous, kissing comfits, in her satchel. [Please select]
The first, as you have truly observed, has its roots in consanguinity or association, the second in a lively hope of future comfits, and either is sufficiently explicable. [Please select]
There were comfits in the cabin, And apples in the hold; The sails were made of silk, And the masts were made of gold. [Please select]
And in the attic were the wire masks he brought home with him from Rome, which people wear to prevent the nasty comfits getting in their mouths and eyes. [Please select]
Presently I heard a young gentleman say to Duvarney over my shoulder: "Eating comfits and holding yarn--that was his doing at your manor when Doltaire came hunting him." [Please select]
Gabord the soldier, Gabord, thou hast a good heart--and the birds fed the beast with plums and froth of comfits till he died, and on his sugar tombstone they carved the words, 'Gabord had a good heart.' [Please select]
'" "Comfits," he continued; "well, thou shalt have comfits, too," and he fished from his pocket a parcel."' [Please select]
There was no sun, as it would have been too hot; but a large yellow lozenge made a nice moon, and red and white comfits were the stars. [Please select]
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