Sentence example with the word 'colonialism'


absolute monarchy, coexistence, dictatorship, dyarchy, good-neighbor policy, manifest destiny, neocolonialism, patriarchy, republic, the big stick, welfare state

Definition n. exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one

Last update: June 9, 2015


Andrews who was by no means sure that the Stamp Act meant the end of Colonialism.   [Please select]


That is one of those last remnants of colonialism and provincialism which must depart forever.   [Please select]


They exhibited a certain unwillingness to take on responsibilities, perhaps a survival of the dependence which colonialism had bred, a dawning aspiration toward an independent place in the world's work, and a disposition to draw tighter racial and religious lines in order to offset the emphasis which imperialists placed on Anglo-Saxon ties.   [Please select]


The military conquest of Tibet is regarded by many as an act of Chinese imperialism, or colonialism, as the Tibetans certainly did not want to belong to China or be forced to change their traditional form of government.   [Please select]

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colonial - colonialism - colonialists