Sentence example with the word 'coiners'


Last update: August 17, 2015


94) and Xenophanes of Colophon, the Lydians were the first coiners of money at the beginning of the 7th century, and, further, the oldest known Aeginetan coins are of later date than Pheidon.   [Please select]


Got up, no doubt, by a gang of coiners.   [Please select]


They all belong to the same gang--coiners, I believe, every one of them.   [Please select]


I have heard it said that coiners are monstrous bold.   [Please select]


If you be not of the nobility, then you must be either coiners or smugglers.   [Please select]


I shouldn't mind being a detective to lie in wait for a gang of coiners, now, and spring upon them unawares, and secure them--single-handed, you know, or with only my faithful bloodhound.   [Please select]


Dicky thought it ought to be something fat, because coiners are always a desperate gang; and the machinery they make the coins with is so heavy and handy for knocking down detectives.   [Please select]

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coiner - coiners - coining