accessory, at one with, coherent, compact, congruent, conspiratorial, coupled, in sync, of a piece, saprophytic, twin
Definitionadj. occurring or operating at the same time
Last update: December 5, 2015
Coincident with this there arose a perfect babel of voices, high-pitched and shrill. [Please select]
It was coincident with the building-out of the feudal system. [Please select]
Coincident with the warfare by organized companies, small irregular bands infested the country. [Please select]
Dan had no acquaintance with Atwill, whose advent had been coincident with the "Courier's" change of ownership shortly after Dan's tentative connection with the paper began.' [Please select]
Are its movements identical with those of the body, or only preconcerted and coincident with them, or is one simply an aspect of the other. [Please select]
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