Sentence example with the word 'cognates'


Last update: September 16, 2015


But the idea which is now usually expressed by " atonement " is rather represented in the New Testament by iAaQµos and its cognates, e.g.   [Please select]


Let the pupil verify this by experiment, and then practice on these cognates.   [Please select]


The pupil should first verify this by experiment, and then practice on these cognates.   [Please select]


The following subvocals and aspirate have no cognates: SUBVOCAL as in l mill ng sing m rim r rule n run y yet ASPIRATE.   [Please select]


The cognates are in pairs, as follows: _Vowels_: ā ĕ, ē ĭ, â ă, ä ȧ, a̤ ŏ, û ŭ, ōō o͝o; _consonants_: g´ k, b p, d t, j ch, th th, v f, z s.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

cognate - cognates - cognition