Sentence example with the word 'coffined'


Last update: August 4, 2015


The last lines of this, as rendered by Dr Gilbert Murray, are as follows:- "Robed in pure white, I have borne me clean From man's vile birth and coffined clay, And exiled from my lips alway Touch of all meat where life bath been."   [Please select]


Coffined thoughts around me, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.   [Please select]


Back to the ghastly tomb And the cold coffined ones.   [Please select]


Men worked at that barricade, piling up sand-bags, and as it was built that young lieutenant knew that his own retreat was being cut off and that he was being coffined in that narrow space.   [Please select]


As the yacht’s stern swung in toward the sunken caboose which coffined the bodies of the drowned men, a small boat put off from the shore and Sanford sprang aboard.   [Please select]

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coffin - coffined - coffining