Sentence example with the word 'coarseness'


animalism, cacophony, discord, graininess, huskiness, infelicity, meretriciousness, rawness, swinishness, uneuphoniousness, vulgarism

Definition n. language or humor that is down-to-earth

Last update: June 27, 2015


The amount of moisture retained depends mainly upon the absorbability of the soil, and as it depends largely on capillary action it varies with the coarseness or fineness of the pores of the soil, being greater for soils which consist of fine particles.   [Please select]


In the mother, or eldest sister, this coarseness was apparent even at a distance.   [Please select]


The positive coarseness of the peasant had rekindled his regret and his contempt.   [Please select]


Impulsive, ambitious, and with a certain element of coarseness in his nature, he made enemies.   [Please select]


The handsome points of the face came out; its coarseness and loutishness receded.   [Please select]


"But isn't their style mostly affectation as their strength is only coarseness."   [Please select]


Then there had been recklessness, something of coarseness, in the fine face.   [Please select]

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coarsened - coarseness - coarsening