In addition to th e se residents or natives of the locality, Shelley, Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clough, Crabb Robinson, Carlyle, Keats, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Mrs Hemans, Gerald Massey and others of less reputation made longer or shorter visits, or were bound by ties of friendship with the poets already mentioned. [Please select]
Arthur Clough, son of Froude's early friend the poet. [Please select]
He consulted his friends Arthur Stanley, Matthew Arnold, and Arthur Clough. [Please select]
Clough, though a layman, felt the same perplexity as himself. [Please select]
Clough was in politics a Republican, and sympathised ardently with the French Revolution of 1848. [Please select]
From Killarney he wrote a long account of himself to Clough: "KILLARNEY, July 15, 1848." [Please select]
's Sohrab and Rustum," he wrote to Clough, "is to my taste all but perfect. [Please select]
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