Sentence example with the word 'climacteric'


change of life, convergence of events, critical juncture, crucial, decisive, emergency, exigent, hinge, menopause, pivotal, rub, turning point

Definition n. a period in a man's life corresponding to menopause

Last update: August 20, 2015


The increase of many animals in size (becoming twice as large as in Europe); the appearance of white varieties among both mammals and birds, and their great prevalence among domesticated animals (Yakut horses); the migrations of birds and mammals over immense regions, from the Central Asian steppes to the arctic coast, not only in the usual rotation of the seasons but also as a result of occasional climacteric conditions are not yet fully understood (e.g.   [Please select]


As Abbott Ashton reflected that, because of this young girl with the mocking laugh, he was losing the climacteric expression of the three- weeks' campaign, his displeasure grew.   [Please select]


But Sam O'Neill, though perfectly willing to be delicate, could only say, after an anti-climacteric pause: "Is that right."'   [Please select]


Bassett had outwardly altered little as he crossed the watershed of middle life; but it seemed to Dan that the ill-temper he had manifested in the Thatcher affair had marked a climacteric.   [Please select]


Thus a fortnight has elapsed, and to-night the star of Barnabas Beverley, Esquire, has indeed attained its grand climacteric, for to-night he is to eat and drink with ROYALTY, and the Fashionable World is to do him honor.   [Please select]


In women the slower functioning of the endocrines is coincident with the climacteric, as they have been dependent for stimulation upon certain ovarian cells.   [Please select]


I wonder you had the climacteric so early.   [Please select]


For the Egyptians the first grand climacteric in their history (after the foundation of the monarchy) was the transference of the royal power from Memphis and Herakleopolis to a Theban house.   [Please select]


It was rather anti-climacteric after that to have him acknowledge that he didn't know exactly when he could get away.   [Please select]

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clifts - climacteric - climactic