Sentence example with the word 'cliffy'


Last update: June 10, 2015


Its eyry now some cliffy cloud.   [Please select]


Turning to the left the string of litters followed the cliffy sides of the crater for a distance of about half a mile, or perhaps a little less, and then halted.   [Please select]


Those in search of it should carefully scan the rough cliffy parts of the island, wherever the species of plantain (_Plantago Coronopus_ and _P.)   [Please select]


Its chief haunts are the waste cliffy grounds of the southern and some of the midland counties of England, where it is usually restricted to certain small districts.   [Please select]


But all this Coast to Pennobscot, and as farre I could see Eastward of it is nothing but such high craggy Cliffy Rocks & stony Iles that I wondered such great trees could growe vpon so hard foundations.   [Please select]

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cliffs - cliffy - clift