Sentence example with the word 'clerkships'


Last update: August 17, 2015


After assisting his father in his school, he tried his hand at acting with indifferent success, served with distinction in the army, and held several clerkships, amongst them the office of clerk to the Boule.   [Please select]


Of course some do achieve success and become rich; but of the tens of thousand who come from the country to seek clerkships, but a very small proportion rise above a small income.   [Please select]


They secured all the "spoils," form petty clerkships worth 100 pounds a year up to places worth thousands.   [Please select]


Former habits had disinclined to mechanical pursuits or manual labor, and our towns, since 1865, have been crowded with young men, who have sought in clerkships, agencies, and professions the means of support.   [Please select]

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clerkship - clerkships - clever