Sentence example with the word 'circumnavigator'


Last update: October 27, 2015


At Cochin Siqueira took on board certain adherents of Alphonso d'Alboquerque who were in bad odour with his rival d'Almeida, among them being Magellan, the future circumnavigator of the world, and Francisco Serrao, the first European who ever lived in the Spice Islands.   [Please select]


[169] Oliver van Noordt was the first Dutch circumnavigator.   [Please select]


They carried nearly two hundred settlers, and the three foremost men on board were Sir Richard Grenville, the commander of the fleet; Thomas Cavendish, the future circumnavigator of the globe; and Captain Ralph Lane, the designated governor of the new colony.   [Please select]

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circumnavigations - circumnavigator - circumpolar