Sentence example with the word 'circumnavigation'


Definition n. traveling around something

Last update: July 31, 2015


Thus it was that a great South Land appeared on the maps, the belief in the prodigious extension of which certainly received a severe shock by Abel Tasman's voyage of circumnavigation, but was only overthrown after Cook's great voyages had proved that any southern land which existed could not extend appreciably beyond the polar circle.   [Please select]


Fernando Magellan starts on the circumnavigation of the globe.   [Please select]


The Norse discovery of America, the PhÅ“nician circumnavigation of Africa, were exceptional feats.   [Please select]


] MEANING OF THE CIRCUMNAVIGATION Magellan's voyage forms a landmark in the history of geography.   [Please select]


During its second circumnavigation it was considerably spread and thinned, and the third time still more so, having expanded enough to include Europe and the greater part of North America.   [Please select]


After remaining several days here, Columbus put to sea; but unable to fetch Hispaniola, stood over to Jamaica, intending to finish its circumnavigation.   [Please select]

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