Sentence example with the word 'circumferences'


Last update: August 28, 2015


Let 0 be the common centre of two circles, of radii a and b, and let radii enclosing an angle 0 (circular measure) cut their circumferences in A, B and C, D respectively (fig.   [Please select]


If the arms be extended upward at an angle, and the legs correspondingly separated, the extremities will touch the circumferences of a circle having its center in the navel (Illustrations 45, 46).   [Please select]


Their circumferences approach or intersect each other--so that, in fact, the whole country is under a network of them.   [Please select]


The colouring of the _Ailuropus_ is remarkable: it is white with the exception of the circumferences of the eyes, the ears, the shoulders, and the lower part of the neck which are entirely black.   [Please select]

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circumference - circumferences - circumferential