Definitionadj. containing or used for ashes of the cremated dead
Last update: July 7, 2015
In the first period (Italic) cremation burials closely approximating to the Villanova type are found; in the second 1 (Venetian) the tombs are constructed of blocks of stone, and situlae (bronze buckets), sometimes decorated with elaborate designs, are frequently used to contain the cinerary urns; in the third (Gallic), which begins during the 4th centilry B.C., though cremation continues, the tombs are much poorer, the ossuaries being of badly baked rough clay, and show traces of Gallic influence, and characteristics of the La-Tene civilization. [Please select]
The same difficulty was experienced when cinerary urns had to be placed in their niches; and the funeral tablets and memorials containing the name, age, condition, etc. [Please select]
The room contained nine niches, and each niche a cinerary urn, of which six were still untouched. [Please select]
Both statues, the bust, the cinerary urns, and the inscriptions, are now exhibited in Michelangelo's cloisters in the Museo delle Terme. [Please select]
Each retained its funeral _suppellex_ and decorations almost intact: paintings, bas-reliefs, mosaics, inscriptions, lamps, jewelry, statues, busts, cinerary urns, and sarcophagi. [Please select]
It is square in shape, with two recesses for cinerary urns on each side, and three in the front wall. [Please select]
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