Sentence example with the word 'churl'


arriviste, boor, chattel slave, epicier, hooligan, lout, nouveau riche, pinchfist, ruffian, slave, vassal

Last update: December 7, 2015


But the churl would rather than a great deal he had not hired him.   [Please select]


And to show that she "was no churl," she intended first to drink of the poison herself.   [Please select]


"You shall have a churl for husband, and no other."   [Please select]


Go home, thou foul churl, and be ever a thrall.   [Please select]


I was a churl, indeed, to doubt of you.   [Please select]


The Old-English laws point out ways by which the churl might rise to thegn's rank, and in the centuries during which the change went on we find mention - complaining mention - both in England and elsewhere, at the court of Charles the Simple and at the court of 'Ethelred, of the rise of new men to posts of authority.   [Please select]


Taking a less technical sense than the ceorl of Anglo-Saxon law, churl, or cherl was used in general to mean a "man," and more particularly a "husband."   [Please select]


But this Basil Olifant is a Nabal, a Demas, a base churl whose wealth and power are at the disposal of him who can threaten to deprive him of them.   [Please select]


But Habby of Cessford will be here belive; and we shall soon know if he will permit an English churl to occupy his hostelrie.   [Please select]


He attempted no farther defence, but, looking at Burley with a grin of deadly hatred, exclaimed--"Base peasant churl, thou hast spilt the blood of a line of kings."   [Please select]


'It were vain,' continued Lord Lacy, 'to expect that courtesy from a mountain churl which even my own followers can forget.'   [Please select]

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churchyards - churl - churlish