Sentence example with the word 'chronometer'


astronavigation, clock movement, consolan, horologe, loran, point-to-point navigation, radio navigation, sofar, ticker, timer, watchworks

Definition n. an accurate clock

Last update: July 9, 2015


In describing experiments on the velocity of sound he states that " on one day and one day only, February 9, 1822, the officer's word of command ` fire ' was several times heard distinctly both by Captain Parry and myself about one beat of the chronometer [nearly half a second] after the report of the gun."   [Please select]


On the astronomer’s table in the _Herald_ office were a large map and a chronometer.   [Please select]


Moreover, her chronometer is well-regulated and gives the exact measure of the Bee's length of absence.   [Please select]


XII Necessity had made of Keith a fairly accurate human chronometer.   [Please select]


"Just gone ten," said Slag, consulting a chronometer that bore some resemblance to an antique warming-pan.   [Please select]


| | | | -------------+----------+----------+---------+-----+--------------+-------- | | | | | Chronometer |1 gross New | | Nye's.'   [Please select]


Producing his own valued chronometer, the young man compared it with the educator's small trinket.   [Please select]


The monumental roasting-jack of a waggoners' inn and a Breguet chronometer both have trains of cogwheels geared in almost a similar fashion.   [Please select]


If there's one thing on earth that I can trust to as reg'lar as the sun, it is this chronometer (pulling it out as he spoke), and it never fails.'   [Please select]

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chronology - chronometer - chronometers