Sentence example with the word 'chorister'


Definition n. a singer in a choir

Last update: July 18, 2015


At some period, perhaps in an interval of his time at Deventer, he was a chorister at Utrecht under the famous organist of the cathedral, Jacob Obrecht.   [Please select]


He was an English sailor and in his boyhood had been a chorister in a great Cathedral.   [Please select]


How far this young man's views on Woman had been moulded by contrasting the maturing uselessness of his pupil Grace Chorister, say, with the fine efficience of Miss Wing, he himself could not have said.   [Please select]


When he left Miss Chorister's at four-thirty, which was when the tutorial day ended, the author did not make straight for the Studio, according to habit, but turned downtown again, instead.   [Please select]


And he snapped his watch at Miss Grace Chorister five minutes ahead of time and, writing forgotten, went rushing to the support of his "demoted" friend.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, these thoughts pursued the young man through his lesson with Miss Grace Chorister, and up to the very door of the Studio.   [Please select]


And then, on Tuesday afternoon, as he trod professionally from the old lady's who was studying French to Miss Grace Chorister's, he suddenly ran upon the Fordette again.   [Please select]


'You look like the picture of the young chorister, with your golden hair; you'll die young, I shouldn't wonder.   [Please select]


There were long services twice a day at the great cathedral near by, and three hours of practice under the eye of a junior chorister.   [Please select]


Fancy the sweetest singer among all the birds, the favorite chorister, going about with but one eye, while every one else, even the tiniest little Humming Bird of all, had two.   [Please select]

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chorion - chorister - choristers