Iridium sesquichloride, IrC1 31 is obtained when one of the corresponding double chlorides is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, the mixture being then thrown into water. [Please select]
Salt may contain magnesium and calcium chlorides, which of course are undesirable in large amounts. [Please select]
The chlorides of the metals are particularly suitable for experiments of this character. [Please select]
The chlorides of copper, lithium, and strontium yield, in like manner, the bands of these metals. [Please select]
A solution containing alkaline salts, mostly carbonates and chlorides, with a little caustic. [Please select]
Cool in a desicator, weigh, and express the result as "mixed chlorides," _i. [Please select]
Chemicking--Remarks on Chlorides and their Decolourising Action--Chemicking Cisterns--Chemicking--Strengths, etc. [Please select]
Dynamite glycerine should be free from arsenic, lime, chlorides, and fatty acids, the inorganic matter should not amount to more than 0. [Please select]
It should yield no characteristic reaction with the tests for lead, copper, arsenium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, ammonium, chlorides, or sulphates. [Please select]
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