Robins, bluebirds, warblers, chickadees, finches, vireos, wrens, yellow-headed blackbirds, nutcrackers, nuthatches, meadow-larks, sparrows, woodpeckers, swifts, kingbirds and several other species of small birds are found in the park, but the number of each is not great. [Please select]
Chickadees are wonderfully tame: except the chipping sparrow, perhaps the tamest birds that we have. [Please select]
The nut-hatches frequently pass the night in them, and the wrens and chickadees nest in them. [Please select]
Thrushes and jays, wrens and chickadees, finches and warblers, all would be singing one grand medley. [Please select]
] After the woodpeckers have abandoned their nests, or rather chambers, which they do after the first season, their cousins, the nut-hatches, chickadees, and brown creepers, fall heir to them. [Please select]
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