Sentence example with the word 'cherubim'


Last update: July 3, 2015


The design of the former is a trellis crossing the ceiling diagonally; in each of the lacunae is carved a cherubim with eight wings; the figures and the trellis are gilded; the ground is a rich ultramarine.   [Please select]


His ranks of the Cherubim are beside Him, and the armies of the Seraphim are dreadful.   [Please select]


_ O, a cherubim Thou wast that did preserve me.   [Please select]


Prospero says of her childhood: "O, a cherubim Thou wast that did preserve me."   [Please select]


God sent his Cherubim, Saint Raphael, Saint Michel del Peril.   [Please select]


But the laws themselves had been no more to her than pious archaic statements, as far removed as the cherubim, the candlesticks and the cedar of Solomon's temple.   [Please select]


Even the young-eyed cherubim, choiring on meadows of asphodel, might cease their harping for a time to listen to a tale of the vanished earth, told by that golden tongue.   [Please select]

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cherubic - cherubim - cherubims