Sentence example with the word 'charlatanism'


Definition n. the dishonesty of a charlatan

Last update: July 27, 2015


From England he went to the United States of America: there his reception was equally enthusiastic, if less dignified; an element of charlatanism appeared in his words and acts which soon destroyed his real influence.   [Please select]


And side by side with such patient laboriosity, really worthy of respect--what charlatanism.   [Please select]


It is owing to this charlatanism [the spacious distribution of the streets, etc.   [Please select]


How dare you offer me this charlatanism of passion.   [Please select]


The strain of charlatanism, which had unconsciously captivated her in Napoleon III, exercised the same enchanting effect in the case of Disraeli.   [Please select]


Simple people, in this world which is eaten up with charlatanism of all sorts so that even we, the simple, don’t know any longer how to trust each other.   [Please select]

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