Sentence example with the word 'championing'


Last update: September 24, 2015


For some of these we have no certain information, and regarding others the tales narrated in the early records are so hard to reconcile with present knowledge that they are better fitted to be the battle-ground of scholars championing rival theories than the basis of definite history.   [Please select]


"You appear to be championing his cause very warmly."   [Please select]


"I don't know that she exactly looks it now, though," said Gertrude, championing Rona for once.   [Please select]


You’re only another victim of the morals you were championing just now.   [Please select]


Only the Mistress's championing of the Undesirable prevented his early banishment.   [Please select]


For that high fellowship was ours then With those who, championing another's good, More than dull Peace or its poor votaries could, Taught us the dignity of being men.   [Please select]

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championed - championing - champions