Eleni is CEO of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, which works like this: Farmers in Ethiopia bring their crops to any of two hundred market centers around the country. [Please select]
--are so many stimuli to the development of these centers. [Please select]
When placed in the holder their centers must be exactly 2 in. [Please select]
4, and the centers drawn in and bound with a string. [Please select]
2, the distance between the centers of the holes being 7-5/8 in. [Please select]
Draw two semi-circles, using the points A and C as centers, with a radius of 5 in. [Please select]
[Illustration: Filter] ** Cutting Tools [278] The cutting point of a tool should never be below the centers. [Please select]
The centers of these were located and a 1/4-in. [Please select]
Find the centers of each segment at one end, then drill a 1/8-in. [Please select]
The transportation system in China before the war was not highly developed, but numerous railroads connecting the main industrial centers did exist, and bus and truck services connected small towns with the larger centers. [Please select]
_--she whose lower motive-centers, the wise doctors had declared, were hopelessly paralyzed--she who could never hope to twitch so much as a single toe or feel any sensation from the hips downward. [Please select]
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