Alkali sulphohydrates reduce guncotton, or other nitrated celluloses, completely to cellulose. [Please select]
Another class, the nitro-celluloses, are formed from cellulose, C_{6}H_{10}O_{5}, which forms the groundwork of all vegetable tissues. [Please select]
Hydrochloric acid has little or no action, but nitric acid has, and forms a series of bodies known as nitrates or nitro-celluloses. [Please select]
Although gun-cottons are generally spoken of as nitro-celluloses, they are more correctly described as cellulose nitrates, for unlike nitro bodies of other series, they do not yield, or have not yet done so, amido bodies, on reduction with nascent hydrogen. [Please select]
A rate of displacement which has been found suitable is about two inches in depth of the vessel per hour when treating highly nitrated celluloses, but this rate may, in some cases, be considerably increased. [Please select]
The calcium carbonate is also finely pulverised and dried, and is added to the mixed nitro-celluloses after they have been sifted through a 16-mesh sieve. [Please select]
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