Sentence example with the word 'celibates'


Last update: September 18, 2015


The bishops are always celibates and are chosen from episcopal families.   [Please select]


Of course you Protestants, with your married clergy, see less of the effects of this than celibates do, but even with you there is a great deal in it.   [Please select]


A man is quite willing to live alone if it is not compulsory, but celibates cannot stand restraint; the bachelor is bound to have his own way--until he is married.   [Please select]


They say the brothers are all celibates and live in cells, but I think I've seen a look in John Storm's eyes that warns me that he wasn't intended for 'the lek o' that' exactly.'   [Please select]


The East had known religious celibates for thousands of years; in the West they were regarded with the profoundest scepticism and suspicion.   [Please select]

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celibate - celibates - cella