Sentence example with the word 'carding'


Last update: September 13, 2015


Cotton was first imported to Providence from Spain in 1785; a company to carry on cotton-spinning, formed at Providence in 1786, established there in the following year a factory containing a spinning jenny of 28 spindles (the first machine of the kind to be used in the United States), and also a carding machine and a spinning frame with which was manufactured a kind of jean having a linen warp and a cotton filling.   [Please select]


And as soft as Manx carding from the mill, too.   [Please select]


On December 20, 1790, he had ready carding, drawing, and roving machines and seventy-two spindles in two frames.   [Please select]


When it is cleaned, it is rolled out into thin sheets and taken to the carding-machine.   [Please select]


COTTON WASTE: Its Production, Characteristics, Regulation, Opening, Carding, Spinning and Weaving.   [Please select]


They really ought to be taught some useful occupation, such as skimming milk or carding wool.   [Please select]


When they saw the wee bannock come in, they jumped up, and got behind the goodwife, that was carding tow by the fire.   [Please select]

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cardinals - carding - cardoon