There's nothing you can do about this and there's no point in burdening you with it. [Please select]
And, besides, I have no fancy for burdening myself with the sky, just now. [Please select]
The generals were in the habit of burdening the people they governed with exorbitant exactions. [Please select]
That smile evoked from her the question that had been burdening her mind. [Please select]
They were not welcome, and had, evidently, no intention of burdening the towns. [Please select]
That would be more than enough to get the monoplane back to headquarters, and there was no reason for burdening himself with too great a load. [Please select]
"We have troubles enough, Kovudoo," he said, "without burdening ourselves with an old she-hyena, and as for paying for one--" Malbihn snapped his fingers in derision. [Please select]
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