Sentence example with the word 'breezeless'


Last update: July 20, 2015


It is a quiet noon-scene among the isles of the Pacific; a French whaler anchored, inshore, in a calm, and lazily taking water on board; the loosened sails of the ship, and the long leaves of the palms in the background, both drooping together in the breezeless air.   [Please select]


Another notable omitted passage is the introduction to "Dion," published in 1816: Fair is the Swan, whose majesty, prevailing O'er breezeless water on Locarno's lake.'   [Please select]


I followed it past the hideous furry swelling on my feet, straight down through the breezeless air, till it dwindled to a white speck above the ledges two hundred feet below.   [Please select]


Here the horse stopped of his own accord, and the dwarf's heart beat quickly as his eye rested on the lake, that, clipped round by the ring of hills, seemed in the breezeless and sunlit air-- "As still as death."   [Please select]

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breezed - breezeless - breezes