Sentence example with the word 'brassy'


adust, boldfaced, choked, daring, forward, heartless, livid-brown, overbold, rude, squawky, unblushing

Definition adj. resembling the sound of a brass instrument

Last update: June 19, 2015


This produces a brassy sound which is popular for accompanying singers and other instruments.   [Please select]


"The brassy alarm-clock in the mess tent clanged out eleven."   [Please select]


His music for both series expertly welds driving, brassy arrangements to the funky rhythms of that decade.   [Please select]


Any roofed-over shed or shack, with doors or not, is what one generally has to put up with to-day, for housing his resplendent brassy and varnishy automobile.   [Please select]


The massive mineral sometimes occurs in mammillary and botryoidal forms with a smooth brassy surface, and is then known to Cornish miners as "blistercopper-ore."   [Please select]


Still the same high, brassy sky, still the same unbroken horizons.   [Please select]


From a side street came the brassy blare of a phonograph.   [Please select]


Of course she'll flirt with anything--you know how she holds hands and laughs--that laugh--that horrible brassy laugh--the way she yaps, 'You naughty man, you better be careful or my big husband will be after you.   [Please select]


Which of them said which has never been determined, and does not matter, since they all had the same ideas and expressed them always with the same ponderous and brassy assurance.   [Please select]

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brassily - brassy - brat