Sentence example with the word 'branchlets'


Last update: July 25, 2015


If it is permissible to speak of the relations of living forms to one another metaphorically, the similitude chosen must undoubtedly be that of a common root, whence two main trunks, one representing the vegetable and one the animal world, spring; and, each dividing into a few main branches, these subdivide into multitudes of branchlets and these into smaller groups of twigs.   [Please select]


The lining is a mixture of straw-coloured root-fibres and fine branchlets of the same coloured grass-panicles.   [Please select]


Euphorbia maculata in this case also becomes nodose, with the branchlets comparatively smooth and the leaves modified in shape, approaching in these respects to a distinct species, namely, the E.   [Please select]


It was found below Darjeeling in July, and was placed in a double fork of the branchlets of a medium-sized tree.   [Please select]

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branchlet - branchlets - branchy