Sentence example with the word 'bracer'


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Definition n. a protective covering for the wrist or arm that is used in archery and fencing and other sports

Last update: July 20, 2015


A friendly pat on the back as he goes out our doorway may mean a bracer to his determination.   [Please select]


I said nothing, but thought my sweetheart might have been equally kind considering the disease I was visited with, and that was recommended as a bracer.   [Please select]


The Captain looked at him a minute, and then he dropped into a chair himself; and I tell you by that time he looked as though he did need a bracer.   [Please select]


Chester persuasively, "Just a bracer."   [Please select]


"But how strange it seems that you should always appear like the fairy queen when I am most in need of a bracer."   [Please select]


Opposite him Mortimer, breakfasting upon his own dreadful bracer of an apple soaked in port, raised his heavy inflamed eyes with a significant leer at the iced grape fruit.   [Please select]

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bracelets - bracer - braces