Sentence example with the word 'bowyer'


Last update: June 24, 2015


1838) (Parish of Cramond, 1794, and Anecdotes of Bowyer, 1782, p. 37 1) says that his wife was a daughter of William Hamilton, D.D., minister of Cramond, afterwards professor of divinity in Edinburgh University, but probably the John Horsley in question was another, the father of Samuel Horsley.   [Please select]


The pilot, Bowyer, corroborated the testimony of Captain Smith.   [Please select]


"--See Literary Anecdotes of Bowyer, by John Nichols, vol."   [Please select]


"I hope so, but I doubt whether I shall be suited again till I get home, and Master John the bowyer makes one specially suitable for me, and six inches longer than ordinary."   [Please select]


In connection with the study of the Roman law, it would be well to read Sir George Bowyer's Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law.   [Please select]

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