Definitionn. a cricketer who delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket
Last update: October 30, 2015
Was an enthusiastic bowler, unfortunately encouraging by example wagering and playing for high stakes, habits that ultimately brought the green into as general disrepute as the alley. [Please select]
His neat bowler hat was tilted forward so as to shade the fierce blue eyes. [Please select]
He wore a black overcoat and a bowler hat. [Please select]
He noted with a kind of chagrin that his companion's was an ordinary low black bowler. [Please select]
She was our best center forward last year at hockey, and our best bowler at cricket. [Please select]
She played the first ball respectfully back to the bowler. [Please select]
He smiled wanly, dropped his bowler hat on the floor, and eventually sat down. [Please select]
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