Definitionn. a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin
Last update: November 2, 2015
Just below me a bowlder lifted its head and shoulders out of the swirling current. [Please select]
The cliff formed one side of the room and the bowlder acted as a roof. [Please select]
Leopold sat down on a bowlder, some distance from the cliff, to wait for his companion. [Please select]
The skua remained as still as the bowlder he sat upon. [Please select]
--still slipping and sliding, he found the bowlder going from him. [Please select]
Let's hoist him on that bowlder and go ahead. [Please select]
Using this as a lever he rolled aside a tree-trunk, then another, and finally a bowlder. [Please select]
No attempt to remove these was made, but walls were carried over and under them, and in some cases the direction of a wall was modified to correspond with a face of a bowlder. [Please select]
East of the central kiva, and between it and a large bowlder, there was another, of which only a part now remains. [Please select]
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